Tuesday 23 June 2009

Can Creative Writing be Taught?

Below is a link to a New Yorker article from a few weeks ago, which discusses the question of whether Creative Writing can be taught, as well as the overall effect of Creative Writing workshops on the development of American literature in the last century. It's actually a review of a book about this subject.


There is also an audio interview with the author of the article here:


Tuesday 12 May 2009

Must cancel class again

Sorry: I need to cancel classes again tomorrow. I've very sick with some sort of virus. I hope the news reaches everyone in time.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

May 6th Lesson Cancelled

Due to an emergency, I need to cancel tomorrow's lessons. Sorry about the short notice. If you know anyone else in the class, please pass the word.

I will post more here in the next couple of days, to let you know what you should prepare for next week.

Saturday 2 May 2009

The Demon Lover

Here is a link to the story, the Demon Lover by Elizabeth Bowen, which I wanted you to read for next week. If you can print out a copy and bring it to class, that would be helpful.


Sunday 4 January 2009

Latest Short Story Packet

I will leave a new packet for Short Stories students in my pigeonhole on 3rd floor in FB-10, GW-2.

Reading Week

Just to let you know, our 8-10 am class on Jan. 5th won't be meeting due to Reading Week. The Hauptstudium class, however, will meet as usual.

Thursday 27 November 2008


(I received the following message in my email box yesterday):

STUDIENPLÄTZE in den USA: Dixie College

Der Dixie State Austausch für 2009 muss eingefädelt werden. Konkret heißt dies, dass alle Studierenden des 2. B.A.-Jahres auf das scholarship program hingewiesen werden. Der 15. Februar als Stichtag ist nach meiner Erfahrung eine tatsächliche deadline, da danach kaum noch Chancen bestehen, alle Formalitäten rechtzeitig zu erledigen; dies trifft insbesondere auf das US Consulate zu, daß Termine nur noch per Telefon verteilt, und dies mit Wartezeiten von durchaus mal 6 Wochen. Unsere drei Bremer at DSC sind höchst zufrieden; einer möchte sein Engagement dort verlängern. Dennoch können wir bis zu 3 Studierende nominieren. Bitte zunächst bei Oecal Cetin melden.


Sk Vorsitz